Rondor Building

Located along railroad tracks in downtown Redlands, this highly deteriorated brick one-story warehouse stored a lot of potential. The City Transfer and Storage Company Warehouse, locally referred to as the Rondor Building was thoughtfully rehabilitated and transformed into a new local craft brewery and restaurant all while preserving and restoring its original character-defining features.

Brick building under construction collage

ARG provided full architectural services and historic consultation for the rehabilitation and seismic retrofit of the warehouse building. Our work included an existing conditions assessment, mortar testing and analysis, Federal Historic Preservation Tax Incentives certification, and collaboration with the tenant on interior design. The resulting rehabilitation cleverly showcases the age and eccentricities of the historic building as well as the contemporary interventions.

Collage of the exterior entrance of Rondor, people in the evening sitting and entering the building

The City Transfer and Storage Company Warehouse is listed as a City of Redlands Historic Landmark and has been determined eligible for listing in the National and California Registers.

The project implemented the first public all-gender restrooms in the City of Redlands.

Sanborn maps indicated the Warehouse was constructed on the site of Redlands’ old Chinatown.
The building owner contracted a local archaeologist to inspect the excavated building and adjacent site prior to the rehabilitation portion of the project. Old brick foundations from Chinese quarters as well as artifacts were uncovered and have been bestowed to the Museum of Redlands.

Head to the Rondor blog detailing the behind the scenes of this adaptive reuse project.

Rondor from afar in the evening with people sitting outside, and train tracks visible

Photography by Here And Now Agency, LLC

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