David P. Wessel

AIC, FAPT / Principal

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David has over 30 years of experience in the conservation and preservation of California landmarks and cultural resources throughout the western United States. Having focused his career on bridging technical architectural conservation methodology and theory with practical, hands-on field practice, David has seen first-hand what factors contribute to effective implementation of best practices of conservation in the field and what factors are impediments. David has one foot in project design and the other in construction and execution. From this he has developed an awareness of how design and conservation construction should be closely integrated in the preservation of cultural resources to achieve optimal results.


David has served on the boards of the Association for Preservation Technology and the AIA’s San Francisco chapter, and is a past Board President of San Francisco Architectural Heritage. He has chaired the Architectural Specialty Group of the American Institute for Conservation, co-chaired the ASTM masonry consolidant standards task group, and assisted the National Park Service with developing biocide guidelines for historic fabric. David has also represented the Building, Owners, and Managers Association (BOMA) as a member of the San Francisco Façade Working Group that developed an ordinance for the inspection and care of older and historic commercial buildings. He is currently serving on the Board of Directors of Filoli, a National Trust for Historic Preservation property.

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