Window Rehabilitation Manual

Windows are a key component of the design and history of a building. They are important character-defining features, representative of the style, craftsmanship, type of construction and history of the building. Within this context, ARG developed a Window Rehabilitation Manual for Public and Commercial Buildings for Portland Public School (PPS) as a SHPO (State Historic Preservation Office) mandated mitigation for a project that impacted historic windows at Roosevelt High School.


report cover - historic windows


The report was reviewed by a panel of volunteer professionals in the window rehabilitation industry. The goal of the manual is to provide a high level overview of historic window types and their construction, and basic assessment and rehabilitation principles. The manual is intended to be used as an easily referenced guide for Portland Public School (PPS) District leadership, facility planners, facility managers and maintenance staff caring for PPS properties, as well as other public entities charged with caring for properties with historic windows.


window view


Historic windows, built using old growth wood and by skilled carpenters, can usually be repaired and upgraded to perform as well or better than replacement windows, and often at a lower cost. In many cases the choice is made to replace them before considering the benefits of other options. Ideally, building planning projects should include maintenance and rehabilitation work to retain historic windows to the greatest extent possible. Evaluating existing windows of a building is an important part of developing  appropriate options to rehabilitate, upgrade, or replace windows.


Click here to access the Window Rehabilitation Manual.

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